Hui ā Tau | AGM 2023
Nau mai, haere mai e te iwi ... save the date for this year's AGM and Whānau Day.
2023 Trustee Election Candidates
Nominations for Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust’s 2023 trustee election closed at midday on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. The following nominations were received for the four vacancies on the Trust.
Trustee nominations open now!
Nominations for this year’s trustee election for Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui Trust are now open!
AGM and election notice
Nau mai, haere mai e te iwi. Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui Trust will hold its Hui ā Tau/Annual General Meeting at Waikawa on Sunday, Noivember 19, 2023.
Welcome Tina!
We welcomed Tina Woodgate to the office team in Waikawa earlier this month. Tina is our new Pou Hāpai Ō - Operations Manager, which is a newly created role.
Mana Whenua Induction kicks off iReX construction work
Downer Group and HEB Construction have formed a Joint Venture to deliver main construction works for the Waitohi Ferry Redevelopment (iReX project).
Rēhita mai: Te Hoe Tū
Rangatahi mā, whānau mā, exciting news! Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust has partnered with Whenua Iti Outdoors to develop a waka wānanga series to grow leadership skills within the iwi and provide rangatahi with an opportunity to develop their connection to the whenua and to each other.
Interislander discounts
We are pleased to let you know that all registered members of Te Ātiawa of te Waka-a-Māui now qualify for a discount with Interislander.
Visit by Extended Whānau
This month we hosted leading contemporary Māori artist and graphic designer Tyrone Ohia, of Extended Whānau, in Waikawa and Motueka as we begin work to shape our visual identity and the ways in which we engage with members.
Pukapuka launch
Waitohi Awa has long held great significance to our iwi, so it was with great pride we recently attended the launch of a new pukapuka Our Sacred Stream - The Mighty Waitohi by iwi member Lianne Adams.
Organisational changes
As we touched on at last year’s strategy roadshow hui and at the AGM, the Trust has embarked on a significant change process over the past year.
Commercial Directors
We are also pleased to announce two new directors to our commercial board, Tōtaranui Te Ātiawa General Partner Limited.