Kairuku - Dive Wānanga #1
Beath hold and free diving course held in Waikawa Friday 20 - Sunday 22 September 2024.
Te Toki o Awa 2025
We are excited to open up expressions of interest for our next Te Toki o Awa programme being held in March next year.
Tō Tātou Tuakiritanga
To support the strategic direction of our communications and engagement plan we have been on a journey to deeper understand our Te Ātiawatanga, our whakapapa, and our kōrero tuku iho - which has since become Our Identity Project - Tō Tātou Tuakiritanga.
Waka Kōrero
Waka Kōrero is a reo Māori revitalisation programme that takes place on a waka journey - ko te akomanga te waka, ko te waka te akomanga.
A safe new home
We recently helped relocate 17 tuatara from their temporary whare at Tiwai to a permanent, purpose-built whare in Queens Park.
A walk for a good cause (and view!)
Last month we joined Picton Dawn Chorus and Kaipūpū Sanctuary on a walk up Gondola Hill (“Mt Collins”) to help raise funds for the rewilding of Kaipūpū Sanctuary and Waitohi Picton.
Important translocation
In April, our Kaitiaki mo te Taiao team travelled to Oruawairua (Blumine Island) in collaborative effort between the Department of Conservation, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kuia and Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui to translocate Kākāriki Karaka, the orange-fronted parakeet.
He Puna Mānawa Whenua - Blue Hole
Co-ordinated by the Whale Trail team, the planting at Blue Hole (near Speeds Road) is a collaboration between landowners, Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui, Rangitāne o Wairau, Marlborough District Council, and Fonterra, who provided a grant for the restoration.
Wattle Control Training Event
During spring, the hills in and around Waitohi/Waikawa are covered in a sea of yellow.
He aha ōu whakaaro? Waitohi Domain Truck Stop
Is expanding the Waitohi Domain Truck Stop a good idea?
Te Hoe Tū
We had an amazing group of 10 rangatahi from Pōneke, Whakatū and Motueka join us for our second Te Hoe Tū wānanga.
Puanga and Matariki - a time for learning
Some of our team joined the Puanga wānanga at Onetāhua Marae last month where they explored maramataka, ritenga (rituals), star constellations, and the importance of this time for our people.
Respecting our taonga
Last month we made a poignant visit to Ngā Whatu Kaipono o Te Wheke-a-Muturangi (Northern Brothers Island).
Iwi reps take their seat at council committee table
Three Te Tauihu Iwi Representatives joined the Marlborough District Council Standing Committees last month.
He wā maumahara
There was a large turnout at the recent Anzac Day Dawn Service in Waitohi, Picton.
Te Ipukarea - sign up now
Whānau registrations are now open for Te Ipukarea, which we are hosting in Waikawa on March 1-2, 2024.