Published: 26 November, 2024

Motueka (& surrounding areas) Taiao Hui for Whānau
Nau mai haere mai ngā whānau o Motueka ki tēnei hui series.
We extend this invite out to you and your whānau to join us for evening wānanga at Te Āwhina Marae in the Tokomaru Room once a month to discuss up and coming Resource Management issues, Council Plan Changes & Projects, and Taiao kaupapa around the region. We are keen for this to be whanau led where possible.
Our next hui is on Thursday 27th February 2025, at Te Āwhina Marae in the Tokomaru Room from 5:00 – 7:00pm.
The purpose of this hui series is to give whānau and opportunity to meet and whakawhanaungatanga with our Te Ātiawa Kaimahi and to kōrero to ensure our Motueka whānau have a voice on various Kaupapa.
We have held one hui so far and those who have attended enjoyed having the spatial mapping available to give context and history to the kōrero shared. We have had a lighthearted environment where everyone is free to share their whakaaro, and visions for the area.
Light refreshments will be provided.
The following gives you a brief overview of what we are likely to discuss:
- Residential subdivision and property developments in the area.
- TDC – Plan Change 81 to rezone rural zone areas for increased residential development - we are going to ask the property developers to do a small presentation.
- Update on the TDC Places of Significance mapping project
- Update on a significant (potential) subdivision development at Māriri
- Motueka Community Pool update.
- Motueka Sandspit update.
- Set up regular hui calendar for 2025, and any future field trips.
- Discuss any taiao issues identified by whanau
We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it, hei konā! If you would like to come along, please reach out to or phone the Tari at 0800284292.