Published: 31 July, 2023

Organisational changes
As we touched on at last year’s strategy roadshow hui and at the AGM, the Trust has embarked on a significant change process over the past year.
At a governance level this has included the establishment of a commercial board and the appointment of additional directors, while at an operational level, this has seen a restructure of the office team to ensure we are fit for purpose and can deliver on our iwi objectives into the future.
Throughout the year there have been a number of new roles created to support our operations teams. In May, we welcomed Sharee Knowles in the newly scoped Operations Administrator role, while Renee Love has joined us as our new Waikawa-based Taiao Advisor.
We also welcome Tina Woodgate as our Pou Hāpai Ō - Operations Manager, which is also a new role; Tina joins us at the end of July and will be based in Waikawa.
Meanwhile, in the sub-commitee space, Matt Skilton, who was a previous member of the Te Ātiawa Commercial Advisory Board, joins the newly established Audit and Risk Committee as an independent representative and chairperson, while Teresa Ivamy-Thomas is the trustee representative.
On our new Human Resources Committee, Rita Powick and Rachael Hāte will serve as the trust representatives while Carolyn Van Leuven has been appointed as the independent representative. Carolyn was previously a member of the Te Ātiawa Commercial Advisory Board.
We look forward to further introducing all our new kaimahi, directors and committee representatives in the coming months.