Published: 27 November, 2024
Titia te Raukura
‘Titia te Raukura’
Te Rautaki Reo me ōna Tikanga mo Te Ātiawa o te Waka ā Maui
E te whānau whānui - Te Ātiawa will be launching our Language and Culture Strategy to coincide with our very first Kura Reo Wānanga (Te Awa Reo) on 20 Kohitātea 2025 at Waikawa Marae at 10.00 am. The launch will be at the pōwhiri of the Kura Reo Wānanga – super exciting!!
‘Titia te Raukura’ is at its heart, a commitment to Te Ātiawa Reo; Te Ātiawa Tikanga and Te Ātiawa kōrero tuku iho as the foundation of the identity of Te Ātiawa o te Waka ā Māui.
We acknowledge Tātare McLeod for leading this in, with ngā Kaiarahi – the 8 language champions who were the strategic oversight group that consulted with our iwi members and created our strategy document. Nō rēira, he mihi mahana tēnei ki a Tātare, Jamie Tuuta, Watson Ohia, Tiwha Puketapu, Ropata Taylor, Rita Powick, Joy Tui, Paulette Tamati-Elliffe and Amai Thompson
We also acknowledge you - the whānau whānui who were involved at the Consultation Process – your feedback is invaluable, thank you.
Titia te Raukura recognises the significance of the Raukura to Te Ātiawa and urges the iwi to see the language in a similar light.
The Vision for Titia Te Raukura:
Kua maatamua ano te reo, kua ita anō ngā tikanga, kua mau anō ngā kōrero tuku iho, i Te Ātiawa o te Waka ā Māui.
(In Te Ātiawa o te Waka ā Māui, the Māori language is dominant, Te Ātiawa customs are strong and Te Ātiawa stories are known.)
The Three Rau of the Raukura:
Reo: Kia mātāmua anō te reo: A future state that sees te reo as the primary
Language of communication for Te Ātiawa o te
Waka ā Māui;
Tikanga: Kia ita anō te tikanga: This rau aims to build the proficiency of Te Ātiawa
o te Waka ā Māui whānau in our customs;
Kōrero Tuku
Iho: Kia mau anō ngā kōrero This rau will support Te Ātiawa o te Waka ā Māui
tuku iho: whānau to become knowledgeable in our history.
Titia te Raukura Launch – Monday 20 Kohitātea 2025 6.00pm Waikawa Marae
(as part of the Pōwhiri for the Te Awa Reo Wānanga)