Published: 27 November, 2023

Te Toki o Awa
Ko Te Ātiawa nō runga i te rangi, ko te toki tē tangatanga i te rā
Te Toki o Awa is the name bestowed on our new annual wānanga for whānau aged 18 and over. It is derived from the above whakawai and references the leadership of Te Ātiawa and the collective strength of old not being unravelled under extreme circumstances, inspiring participants to have resilience and inner strength and hold fast to their goals.
A co-lab with world-renowned Outward Bound, Te Toki o Awa is a five-day outdoor adventure course for those seeking to explore their identity and build connection to place, people and taonga tuku iho. Tikanga and te reo Māori is woven through every part of the course and participants will increase their familiarity and confidence in tikanga and te reo. It is important to note that this course is suitable for people at any stage of their haerenga (journey) in te ao Māori and is a safe place for beginners.
The pilot wānanga will be held from Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15, 2024.
If you would like to register your interest, email