Published: 28 January, 2025

Te Ipukarea 2025
Get ready, whānau! Te Ipukarea 2025 is just around the corner, register now.
It's time for you and your whānau to register to represent Te Ātiawa for Ipukarea 2025.
This year, Te Ipukarea is hosted by Ngāti Tama at Saxton Fields and Stadium, Whakatū.
Te Ipukarea will begin on Friday, April 4th, 2025, with a Pōwhiri at Whakatū Marae and conclude on Saturday evening with a hākiri and the handover of the mauri.
Registrations close soon, so get in quick whānau!
Rēhita mai | Register now:
Nelson Giants | Warm-Up and Skills Session
This year, some Nelson Giants players will be joining us at 3:00 pm on Friday 4 April at Saxton Stadium to host a warm-up and skills session with tamariki. This is open to all Tamariki regardless of whether they are playing or not.
Start times | Sports Handbook
The start time, rules, and location for each sport are listed in the handbook, this may be subject to change depending on how many iwi teams are entered into the sport. Waka Ama will be dependent on the weather conditions; at this stage, this event will take place on Saturday 5 April starting at 8:30 am at Tahunanui Beach.
You can view the Sports Handbooks here:
Stay tuned as we will be sharing more information closer to the event.