Published: 26 November, 2024
Kaitiakitanga in action- Rowi Transolcation
This Month Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui Trust provided cultural support and assistance to the Department of Conservation (DOC) with the translocation of Rowi (Kiwi) from Motuara Island in Tōtaranui Sounds to the Ōmoeroa Ranges in Franz Joseph, West Coast.
As kaitiaki, our ultimate responsibility in these Taonga Species Translocations is to keep everyone culturally safe, tuku mauri to the whenua and taonga, and be a constant companion to tour taonga as they embark on their journey to a new home.
Anteisha O'Connell, our Pou Amotake, accompanied the Rowi down to Franz Joseph to hand them over to Kāti Māhaki ki Makaawhio (the receiving hapū). This was a beautiful experience for everyone involved.
On Motuara Island we got to assist DOC with physically tracking the Rowi down, capturing them, and monitoring their health and wellbeing as they were readied for their hīkoi down Te Tai Poutini. Learning how to handle such a precious taonga, and seeing their ātaahua feathers up close, was a highlight for the whole team!
Translocations like this are incredibly fun and powerful opportunities for whānau to reconnect with our special taonga species and the whenua. We are committed to providing more opportunities for whanau to be involved and look forward to building and enhancing our capability and capacity in this area.