Published: 14 June, 2024

Important translocation
In April, our Kaitiaki mo te Taiao team travelled to Oruawairua, (Blumine Island) in a collaborative effort between the Department of Conservation (DOC), Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kuia and Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui, to translocate Kākāriki Karaka, the orange-fronted parakeet, to enhance biodiversity and preserve native species.
The Kākāriki Karaka, native to New Zealand, has faced habitat loss and predation, leading to a decline in its population. Recognising the urgency to protect this endemic species, DOC partnered with Te Tauihu iwi, including Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui.
Three female birds and three male birds were translocated from Isaacs Conservation & Wildlife Trust with the help of Ngāi Tahu kaitiaki. These mānu were flown north to Waitohi and met us at the Waitohi Wharf.
They were released into the aviary for two nights/(one full day) so they could feed, de-stress and acclimatise to their new environment. On release day, the aviary doors were opened at around 8am, and they all flew out within 40 minutes.
Te Ātiawa had three representatives there, Kristie Paki Paki, Renēe Love and Taniora Skipper. Taniora is a whānau member keen to be involved in the Taiao space and works for One-Forty-One forestry, who generously agreed to Taniora attending the translocation. A great example of iwi partnerships and whānau participation!
Every time we successfully establish a new population, we move a step closer to securing the future of this fragile taonga species.
If you are interested in the translocations that we are part of and would like to be contacted about future opportunities where our taonga species are being moved from one location to another, please register your interest here.