Whānau Feedback Links

Proposed property development at 91 Poole Street, Motueka.

1. Hopfields Whānau Information Pack

2. CIA Draft - Hopfields - Whānau Engagement

At our recent Motueka whānau engagement hui, whānau expressed an interest in reviewing the development proposal and feeding into our Cultural Impact Assessment - a document we can prepare on behalf of whānau to express our association with the area, any concerns, and recommendations.

We are aware that there are wāhi tapu in in the area, and we want to uphold our commitment to provide whānau with a voice in this.
Unfortunately, we are on tight deadline so we have set up three ways for you to connect in with us:
1. Join us for a site visit to 91 Poole Street, 3pm, 23rd July 2024 - let's have a walk around and kōrero kanohi ki te kanohi for those that can make it.
2. Review the DRAFT Cultural Impact Assessment document and provide feedback through the link to the survey: https://wkf.ms/3S626zg
3. Contact the Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Maūi office 03 5735170 and speak to either Renēe Love, Sylvie Fallipo or Kristie Paki Paki.