Process & Questions

Process for Applications

  1. Research iwi planning document and online tools
  2. Prepare a draft application
  3. Determine extent of effects (less than minor, minor, more than minor)
  4. Consult with Te Ātiawa or mandated offices
  5. Modify the application as needed
  6. Lodge application with relevant Council
  7. Council assess the application for completeness
  8. Once complete, council decides whether to process with or without notification
  9. Further consultation, as needed
  10. Council determines the application

Questions to answer when drafting an application

  1. Which rohe cover the site where the activity is to be located? (see map)
  2. Is the activity within, adjacent to, or likely to directly affect a statutory acknowledgement area?
  3. Is the activity within a cultural area or sensitive area of Te Ātiawa?
  4. What matters of importance to Te Ātiawa are likely to be affect by the activity?
  5. What is the best way to avoid, remedy, or mitigate effects on Te Ātiawa values?
  6. How does the activity fit within Part 2 of the RMA?
  7. Is the activity consistent with the policies and objectives of Iwi and Council planning documents?