He wā Puanga me Matariki

Karakia - Tērā Matariki

Nā Dr Huirangi Waikerepuru (Taranaki/ Ngā Puhi)



Download a flyer of this karakia to print here. 

Download a cue card of this karakia to print here.

This karakia can be used all year around to acknowledge the significance of Matariki, but is appropriately used when siting Matariki as it rises above the horizon during Pipiri (the first lunar month of the Māori year). 

The name of this karakia references 'matariki' and is a shortened version of Ngā Mātā o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea (the eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea), referring to the large cluster of stars also known as Pleiades. Matariki is a prominent star cluster seen in the sky around June/July. For Māori the rising of these stars heralds a new season, a new year.

With Mātāriki comes the cold wintery days and nights - traditionally a time where whānau could spend time together indoors and have wānanga / discussions and share kōrero. 

Matariki was a time when the food crops had been harvested allowing time to come together to honour those who have passed over the last year, celebrate the present and plan for the year ahead.

For Te Ātiawa of Te Tauihu we use the analogy referencing coming together as a people for whanaungatanga and celebration.


The meaning of this karakia can be translated to:

Tērā Matariki ka rewa i te pae                                   Matariki rises on the horizon

Nau mai, haramai te hua o te tau hou                       welcoming the dawning of a new year

Tākiri ko te ata, ka pua te ata                                     unrevelling, blossoming

Korihi te manu tino awatea                                         as light breaks

Tūī, tui, tuituia                                                               coming together

Ko te tangi mai o te kō, kō korimako                          with the churping of the Korimako

I te atatū, tū ka takatū                                                  the presence of a new day

Koia rā e Rongo whakairihia ake ki runga                 Rongo from up above

Tūturu whakamaua kia tina! Tina!                               Hold fast, secure it

Hui e! Tāiki e!                                                                Draw together! Affirm!