Published: 30 April, 2024

Puanga and Matariki - a time for learning

Puanga and Matariki - a time for learning

Some of our team joined the Puanga wānanga at Onetāhua Marae last month where they explored maramataka, ritenga (rituals), star constellations, and the importance of this time for our people. You can learn more about Puanga and download resources here: Resources | Puanganui

Takurua was traditionally a restful period to share mātauranga (knowledge), pūrākau (traditional legends), to come together to celebrate and to lean on one another for resources. It was also known to be the time of year we farewell one cycle of life and those that have passed in it, to rest and reflect, before planning and starting another.

We are interested in collectively coming together to share our knowledge and experiences around Puanga and Matariki as Te Ātiawa to help one another understand what this time of year means for us. If you are wanting to share your whakaaro we would love to hear from you – just fill out this form.

We are looking at holding two online wānanga for whānau to come together and learn more about why this time of year is important to us, keep an eye out for more.

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